Monday, December 5, 2011

Lower Your Blood Sugar Naturally

It is important to low your blood sugar because it is crucial to avoid pre-diabetes, diabetes, insulin resistance and overweight issues. Lowering your blood sugar is vital and strong for keeping health.
Here we can see how our body works. When you eat something, the stomach and the intestines breaks the food into glucose. Glucose provides energy to our cells; cells also need insulin which the pancreas emits in the response to glucose.
However, our body can resistant to using insulin if there are certain factors occurring, particularly excess fat. Therefore, glucose in the blood can make the pancreas secrete more insulin. At last, the pancreas is in a stress condition. And it is a serious phonomena that it can make pre-diabetes become diabetes.
Keeping the level of glucose sugar balance also can help improve weight loss as having low blood sugar will trigger binge eating, which causes the rebound effect of high blood sugar or glucose. The body will rapidly store this high blood sugar as fat.
In order to keep your body health, you should pay attention to control your glucose levels and avoid more serious health problems.

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